Call for Content
If you'd like to contribute to Hussy Magazine, send us an email and let's talk.
Here's a bit of what we're looking for:
Model feature articles with photo sets
Model Q&A's with photo sets
Hot Rod / Chopper / Van / Truck feature articles
Comic artists
Hussy Quickies: short form writing (under 500 words)
Funny tales (under 500 words)
Jokes (Dirty jokes and/or Dad jokes)
Long form Feature writers - Variety of manly, fun, sexy topics
Booze articles (500 words max)
Sex-related articles (500 words max)
Strange articles (500 words max)
Graphic designers for parody ads
We are open to your suggestions as well. Send us an email with your ideas!
We have a list of possible topics, so feel free to email us if you need some direction.