Beer Facts

We were drinking a bunch of PBRs, bored with no Flyers hockey game to watch just yet, and decided to scour the Internet for fun facts about one of our favorite topics: BEER. Have some fun and let's get sudsy! Ahem... In a manly way!

  1. Around the world, humans consume over 50 billion gallons of beer every year.

  2. At this very moment, 50 million people are drunk around the world. At any given time, it is estimated that 0.7% of the world population is drunk.

  3. The first professional brewers were all women, called brewsters. The women had to be very beautiful to be able to become brewsters.

  4. Beer cans were invented in 1933.

  5. Old Vikings believed that in their heaven (Valhalla), there is a giant goat whose udders provided unlimited supply of beer.

  6. Beer is one of the world’s oldest prepared beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9500 BC.

  7. The Czech Republic leads beer drinkers around the world with a yearly consumption of 40 gallons a year. Cheers!

  8. Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history of mankind."

  9. The world record for drinking a liter of beer is held by Pennsylvania's Steven Petrosino. He downed the chilly beverage in 1.3 seconds back in 1977 according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

  10. Beer prevents the formation of kidney stones according to a published report in the American Journal of Epidemiology. 

  11. It’s in US law that one cannot be shown drinking beer in a TV commercial.

  12. Schlitz invented the brown bottle and tall boys

  13. The term “rule of thumb” originates from brewers who would stick their thumb into the mix to see when the temperature was right for adding the yeast.

  14. Beer is the third most-consumed drink in the world! (only just behind tea and water

  15. The people in the Czech Republic drink more beer than anyone else in the world – an average of 143 liters per person, per year.

  16. The oldest beer brewery dates back to 1040.

  17. Andre the Giant is said to have once drunk 127 beers in a hotel bar, passed out in the lobby, and, because he was so large, no one could move him until he woke up.

  18. Adolph Coors III, who was the heir to the Coors beer empire, was allergic to beer.

  19. The beer industry in the United States turns annual profits of over 100 billion dollars.

  20. Around the world, humans consume over 50 billion gallons of beer every year.

  21. Right now, as you are reading this, 50 million people are drunk around the world. At any given time, it is estimated that 0.7% of the world population is drunk. 

  22. The first professional brewers were all women, called brewsters. The women had to be very beautiful to be able to become brewsters.

  23. Beer cans were invented in 1933.

  24. Old Vikings believed that in their heaven called Valhalla, there is a giant goat whose udders provided unlimited supply of beer.

  25. Beer is one of the world’s oldest prepared beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9500 BC.

  26. The Czech Republic leads beer drinkers around the world with a yearly consumption of 40 gallons a year. Cheers!

  27. Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history of mankind."

  28. The world record for drinking a liter of beer is held by Pennsylvania's own Steven Petrosino. He downed the chilly beverage in 1.3 seconds back in 1977 according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

  29. Beer prevents the formation of kidney stones according to a published report in the American Journal of Epidemiology. 

  30. It’s in US law that one cannot be shown drinking beer in a TV commercial.

  31. Schlitz invented the brown bottle and tall boys

  32. The term “rule of thumb” originates from brewers who would stick their thumb into the mix to see when the temperature was right for adding the yeast.

  33. Beer is the third most-consumed drink in the world! (only just behind tea and water

  34. The people in the Czech Republic drink more beer than anyone else in the world – an average of 143 liters per person, per year.

  35. The oldest beer brewery dates back to 1040.

  36. Andre the Giant is said to have once drunk 127 beers in a hotel bar, passed out in the lobby, and, because he was so large, no one could move him until he woke up.

  37. Adolph Coors III, who was the heir to the Coors beer empire, was allergic to beer.

  38. The beer industry in the United States turns annual profits of over 100 billion dollars.

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