Beer Facts
We were drinking a bunch of PBRs, bored with no Flyers hockey game to watch just yet, and decided to scour the Internet for fun facts about one of our favorite topics: BEER. Have some fun and let's get sudsy! Ahem... In a manly way!
- Around the world, humans consume over 50 billion gallons of beer every year.
- At this very moment, 50 million people are drunk around the world. At any given time, it is estimated that 0.7% of the world population is drunk.
- The first professional brewers were all women, called brewsters. The women had to be very beautiful to be able to become brewsters.
- Beer cans were invented in 1933.
- Old Vikings believed that in their heaven (Valhalla), there is a giant goat whose udders provided unlimited supply of beer.
- Beer is one of the world’s oldest prepared beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9500 BC.
- The Czech Republic leads beer drinkers around the world with a yearly consumption of 40 gallons a year. Cheers!
- Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history of mankind."
- The world record for drinking a liter of beer is held by Pennsylvania's Steven Petrosino. He downed the chilly beverage in 1.3 seconds back in 1977 according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
- Beer prevents the formation of kidney stones according to a published report in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
- It’s in US law that one cannot be shown drinking beer in a TV commercial.
- Schlitz invented the brown bottle and tall boys
- The term “rule of thumb” originates from brewers who would stick their thumb into the mix to see when the temperature was right for adding the yeast.
- Beer is the third most-consumed drink in the world! (only just behind tea and water
- The people in the Czech Republic drink more beer than anyone else in the world – an average of 143 liters per person, per year.
- The oldest beer brewery dates back to 1040.
- Andre the Giant is said to have once drunk 127 beers in a hotel bar, passed out in the lobby, and, because he was so large, no one could move him until he woke up.
- Adolph Coors III, who was the heir to the Coors beer empire, was allergic to beer.
- The beer industry in the United States turns annual profits of over 100 billion dollars.
- Around the world, humans consume over 50 billion gallons of beer every year.
- Right now, as you are reading this, 50 million people are drunk around the world. At any given time, it is estimated that 0.7% of the world population is drunk.
- The first professional brewers were all women, called brewsters. The women had to be very beautiful to be able to become brewsters.
- Beer cans were invented in 1933.
- Old Vikings believed that in their heaven called Valhalla, there is a giant goat whose udders provided unlimited supply of beer.
- Beer is one of the world’s oldest prepared beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9500 BC.
- The Czech Republic leads beer drinkers around the world with a yearly consumption of 40 gallons a year. Cheers!
- Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history of mankind."
- The world record for drinking a liter of beer is held by Pennsylvania's own Steven Petrosino. He downed the chilly beverage in 1.3 seconds back in 1977 according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
- Beer prevents the formation of kidney stones according to a published report in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
- It’s in US law that one cannot be shown drinking beer in a TV commercial.
- Schlitz invented the brown bottle and tall boys
- The term “rule of thumb” originates from brewers who would stick their thumb into the mix to see when the temperature was right for adding the yeast.
- Beer is the third most-consumed drink in the world! (only just behind tea and water
- The people in the Czech Republic drink more beer than anyone else in the world – an average of 143 liters per person, per year.
- The oldest beer brewery dates back to 1040.
- Andre the Giant is said to have once drunk 127 beers in a hotel bar, passed out in the lobby, and, because he was so large, no one could move him until he woke up.
- Adolph Coors III, who was the heir to the Coors beer empire, was allergic to beer.
- The beer industry in the United States turns annual profits of over 100 billion dollars.